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About Us

Puerto Seguro Safe Harbor, Inc. (PSI) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation chartered to offer a “safe place” for people experiencing homelessness and housing insecurity in Socorro County. PSI does not charge for its services. We are supported by local donations and government grants. Our clients include men, women, and children of all ages, including many veterans and Native Americans.


PSI has several divisions:



Housed in our main building, the PSI Drop-In Center is a daytime facility for adults only experiencing homelessness. Under some emergency conditions, like extreme heat or cold, and when funds are available, the Drop-In Center provides temporary lodging in our building or at a motel. Clients at the Drop-In Center may use shower facilities, acquire clothing and food, and be connected with other service agencies that can help with housing, employment, education, rehabilitation, counseling, medical, and other needs.

To view the current monthly impact of the Drop-In Center, click HERE.


Every Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., PSI offers a drop-in center for teens and young adults ages 16 to 24. Adults over 24 are not admitted. Like the Drop-In Center, the PSI Saturday Center for Teens & Young Adults offers young people access to shower facilities, clothing, food, and connections to service agencies that can provide help with housing, employment, education, rehabilitation, counseling, medical, and other needs. Free hygiene kits and pizza are offered.

To view news from the PSI Saturday Center, click HERE


The PSI Socorro Spokes is a non-profit bike repair shop offering affordable, reliable transportation to residents of Socorro County. Among our offerings are the Earn-a-Bike and Loan-a-Bike programs that provide bike repair and maintenance classes. Socorro Spokes also offers bike safety classes and accepts community donations.

To view news from the PSI Socorro Spokes repair shop, click HERE

To donate to PSI Safe Harbor, please go HERE

Puerto Seguro

Safe Harbor, Inc.

Website Suggestions?

Contact: Britt Verstegen

Call us today:

1 (575) 835-2895



519 Old US Hwy 85

P. O. Box 1433

Socorro, NM 87801

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